Filter for collecting microplastics

The invention is specifically aimed at fluid filtration device and system using the combined action of mechanical filtration, by mesh particulate retention, and chemical filtration, by adsorption of microplastic particulate on iron oxide, particularly magnetite. Magnetite is chosen because of its non-toxicity, low cost, and high supply since it is found as one of the steel industry's waste. Our device is intended for in-line application at the outlet of a washing machine, residential or commercial, in-line with (or in place of) a siphon. It is adaptable to use in sewage system outlets, in addition to filtering and cleaning systems in basic sanitation networks, as an aid to cleaning effluents contaminated with particulate matter. The application is designed considering that 85% of microplastic in the oceans is due to textile microfibers. Our device is capable of retaining microplastics in the range of 5 µm to 100 µm.
Problema que resuelve su propuesta
Everyone and everything today are affected by microplastics. Fishes get it stuck to their gill, corals got it stuck in their mesh leading to their death, and they get inserted into the food chain: fishes, wale, seagulls, and even humans. The current scenario has a considerable impact on the microplastic volume being disposed into the ocean. Researches associate an increase in microplastics's releasing into oceans due to the excessive bad disposal of facial masks, especially surgical ones. Besides, there are also researches associated with an increase in air transmission of COVID-2019 through the inhalation of contaminated microplastics. The presence of microplastics in the oceans should be faced not just as cleaning what is already there, but also as reducing considerably their emission, finally breaking this endless cycle.
¿Qué impacto positivo tiene o tendría su propuesta en su comunidad? Cuáles son las mejoras concretas ambientales o sociales
It is a cheap solution, with an easy usage. It does not require any modification on the products, laundry machines, siphons and etc that are already in use today, since it can be easily adapted to in-line use. The project is also scalable, with the possibility to be adapted to larger applications, such as the sewage networks.
¿Por qué te interesa involucrarte con problemáticas que afectan al ambiente y/o a los océanos?
I believe that everyone should care. More than that, I believe that instead of asking why is one person taking part in it, we should be asking why is the other person being absent. It is not a small problem... it is huge and it has being neglected and badly faced for individuals and (especially) rulers. If people do not want to take part in environment matters for the lives of others, they should minimally be aware of the risks for their own. By spreading an idea, a project that brings light to this matter, we can at least insert an "what if?" that was not there before.
Principal ODS con el que se vincula tu propuesta
SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
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Hello!! My name is Lucía and I will be your mentor for this first stage. Please let me know if you prefer our exchanges in portuguese, it is the same for me. I have a few questions that may work as a guide for you to improve your proposal. (1) Regarding the main source of funding, you indicate that it will be donations or sponsors. I got a bit confused. Are you not going to sell this device? If the idea is to provide it for free it would be good to clarify it. And if you are going to sell it, wouldn't the mail source of funding be the selling of the product? (2) Is this product used at home and appliances or at rivers, lakes and the ocean? I understand it is a home use, but you also mention cleaning oceans from microplastics. Maybe it starts with domestic use and then int escalates for ocean cleanups? I suggest you clarify this point. For now, I believe you have a lot to think about with this two questions. We stay in contact and do not hesitate to ask if you have any doubts!! :)
hace 3 años